passion passport x adobe students
passport to creativity
1 of 2 creatives selected for passport to creativity trip to Maasai Mara, Kenya

“Adobe partnered with Passion Passport to send students and mentors on a creative assignment to 3 locations. From over 30,000 entries, we selected six students from around the globe; sending 2 creatives and 1 mentor to each location. Armed with Adobe Creative Cloud, students captured and interpreted three of the most important conservation efforts happening around the world, traveling to Patagonia in Chile; the Masai Mara in Kenya; and Lord Howe Island in Australia. Each student’s work was showcased in an immersive multimedia installation in Los Angeles in conjunction with Earth Day.”

photography / content creation / immersive installation
behind the project
Six students used their creativity, and Adobe Creative Cloud apps to bring three of the world's most protected environments to Los Angeles in this multi-sensory installation for Earth Day.

maasai mara, kenya
Africa's most diverse ecosystem
Encompassing the grasslands and riverlets of southwest Kenya, this area is globally famous for its protected population of wildlife – including lions, leopards, African elephants, African buffalos, and black rhinos.
patagonia, chile
glacier's natural habitat
Stretching from the fjords along the Pacific coast to the glacier-fed rivers of the Atlantic coast, this geographic wonderland is lobbying to be the region’s next national park. This status is vital as the native pumas, long-necked guanacos, Huemul deer, Andean condors and more, are threatened by various development projects.
lord howe island, australia
the cleanest place on earth
Located in the world’s southernmost barrier reef, this island is free of litter, air and sea pollution, and home to large numbers of rare and endemic species.
an immmersive installation
We capped off the whole adventure with an immersive art installation on Earth Day in Los Angeles, featuring the work those students made on their journeys in a truly immersive way. The 2-day event had over 1,400 attendees and 33,853 total organic social media reach.